Programs For A Mixed cohort

An empowered young person feels confident to take risks and is aware that failure is a step toward progress, not a sign to give up!

Celebrating Our Differences

There are many issues in our society today when it comes to diversity – which is not limited to race. Communities across the UK continue to change, which often leads to division – giving access to discrimination amongst different groups of people.

What transformation would we experience in the world if we decide to hone in on the benefits of living in a diverse society and make an active effort towards dismantling unconscious bias?

This is a 90-minute workshop and includes digital post-session resources.

Session Aim:


  • Discuss how together we can be better as a society/community

  • Have the opportunity to ask and answer some tough questions in a safe space

  • Talk about the power of celebrating our differences (diversity)

  • Come up with ideas to help make a change in our society (action plans)

Learning Outcomes and Objectives:

  • Participants will develop an idea for a social action project focused on the power of celebrating our differences (not limited to race) in their community.

Social Integration

Encouraging Honest Dialogue and Conversation About Race Beyond
Black Lives Matter

We give less opportunity for change to occur when we wait for Black History Month or any other celebrated racial/cultural event to occur once a year. The Social Integration program brings consistency with the conversation of race, discrimination, and change to our students. It highlights to students how they are a key player of change by highlighting that change starts with ourselves.

This is a 90-minute workshop and includes digital post-session resources.

Session Aim

We want the students to feel equipped and inspired to become key players of change in their own world and the world around them. Participants:

  • Are encouraged to participate in the conversation of race beyond Black History Month

  • Foster ideas on how to tackle general societal issues people face in the UK (such as racism, sexism, ageism, etc.)

  • Better understand the destructive nature of discrimination

  • Discuss the benefits of social integration

Learning Outcomes and Objectives:

  • Participants will develop an idea for a social action project focused on social integration in their community.

The Bounce Back

There is a transformative power that education has as it plays a significant role in every person’s life. Education helps build character, opinions, and intellect.

Unfortunately, many students don’t see the value of school until or unless they are in a position to apply the lessons they learned in real life.

Living in the 21st century, empowering today’s generation with the practical ‘how-to’ of applying their learning is the key for liberated learners – both academically and personally.

This runs as both a workshop and assembly – which includes digital post-session resources.

Session Aim:

To better support students with their exam preparation. The focus is on:

  • Mental well-being & resilience

  • Reflecting on their ‘why

Learning Outcomes and Objectives:

  • Providing students with another perspective so they (begin to) see more of the value of school

  • An increase in school attendance (where applicable)

  • Providing students with tools to explore their potential, leading to a ‘can-do’ growth-mindset

    • i.e. improved mock results and exams